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bote bag & bote basket






It is the bamboo product which had a modern lifestyle make the technique that a farmhouse of Niigata performed handwork of for (the slack season for farmers) at winter time from old days in total.


It is work I tear one bamboo one finely and to knit called "mousoutake" to grow in the mountains.


All is only manual labor and is finished to a light, strong basket in what is made up by perception and the experience that were an expert of.


bote bag 

size : M
size : L 約22cm x  W 約21cm x T 約30cm
            ¥ 5,000(税抜)
size : L
size : L 約34cm x  W 約30cm x  T 約38cm

野菜入れカゴ、タオルなどの布ものを収納カゴ、洗濯カゴ、食器入れカゴなど様々な用途で活用いただけます。 持ち手がついていることで持ち運びがし易いことも特徴です。 また、竹の特製として水に強く、強靭なしなりを持っている為、野外などでアウトドアなどで活用できます。

You can utilize the cloth things such as vegetables case basket, the towel by a storing basket, a washing basket, various uses including the tableware case basket. It features it to be easy to do carrying around because a handle is on. In addition, I can utilize it in outdoor in the outdoors because specialite de la maison of the bamboo strongly includes the tough tension in water.

bote basket 

size : S
size : M
size : L
size : L 約32cm x  W 約24cm x  T 約9cm
size : L 約22cm x W 約21cm x T 約17cm
size : L 約34cm x  W 約30cm x  T 約20cm

「Bote bag」の持ち手が無い仕様です。より収納をし易いカタチ。収納棚や台所周りに納め易いので家の中でご活用していただけます。

It is specifications without a handle of "Bote bag". It becomes the form that it is easy to receive more and can utilize it in a house because it is easy to put it in a storing shelf and the kitchen circumference.

昔より新潟の農家の方が冬の時期(農閑期)に手仕事されてきた技術を活かした竹製品です。 新潟県山間部に生育する「孟宗竹」という竹を1つ1つ細かく裂いていき、そして編み込んで行く。 全てが手作業のみで作り上げられることで軽くて丈夫なカゴに仕上がっていきます。

This is the bamboo product which the technique that a farmhouse of Niigata has been performed handwork of for (the slack season for farmers) at winter time from old days was made use of in.
I tear one bamboo called "MOUSOU bamboo" to grow in the Niigata mountains one finely and it is knit. Because all is made up only by manual labor, I am finished to a light, strong basket.

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